Ruin or


Released June 26th as part of Fanzineist Vienna Artbook & Zine Fair 2021

Ruin or Revolution is the result of an extended process of collage undertaken by Ryts Monet and Andrea Steves over the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2021). Using a flatbed scanner, Ryts Monet spontaneously assembled images from books found in temporary apartments where he stayed in isolation, Andrea responded with quotes and texts, and they continued to exchange material (including long threads on WhatsApp), eventually scanning more images from Andrea’s apartment during Vienna’s long winter lockdown, until the layers took form as this publication. The resultant ideas and images recombine to gesture towards new narratives, possibilities, and a refrain: Ruin or Revolution?

Risograph booklet (5.5x8.5’’) printed in black and red by Irrelevant Press in Oakland, California.

Newsprint (11x17’’) offset printed by Newspaper Club in Glasgow, UK.