The Time is NOW

Although there are a ton of incredible resources out there, we felt like something easy to read, assessable and free to download right here would be helpful to contribute. Based off of Sam Levin’s Guardian article What does 'defund the police' mean? The rallying cry sweeping the US – explained shines a light on many frequently asked questions and concerns when discussing defunding (and abolishing) the police. Our hope is that once you read the zine you feel empowered to speak with those who may not understand the concept yet. That is why we decided to create a new pin, as part of this project. Both are up in our webstore now.

All proceeds go to: Survived and Punished.

Huge thank you to our comrade Ramona who helped immensely with the design of this zine, as well as the accompanying pins.


“Radical simply means grasping things at the root”

- Angela Y Davis