Sounds About


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We are excited to announce sounds about riso .online, a virtual showcase of risograph works by artists and publishers from North America. Through sharing the diverse set of risograph works, we hope that everyone can take a moment to explore the site and if able, shop the prints, zines, and books to show your support for the individual artists, printmakers, & the risograph community!

By directly linking the artists’ and publishers' own method of purchase, 100% of the proceeds go towards the individuals and small press while also allowing us to all operate this at a safe distance. We’re hoping that this gives artists a chance to sell some artwork during what would have been the usual festival season and bring the riso community a place to congregate online.

In addition, we asked each participant to share their process of preparing work to be printed on a risograph, both technically and creatively. We’ve been going through each one and they are honestly so rewarding to read.
Launch date: Saturday, May 23rd 11AM EST
Live stream events will be held throughout Saturday 5/23 to Sunday 5/24.
Visual Identity, Illustration, Animation by James Bascara @james.bascara
Website built by Ritu Ghiya
Website designed by chuck kuan + ritu ghiya
The website will be accessible to the public starting from Saturday, May 23rd at 11am EST, and we plan to keep it up for as long as we can. Follow along @zinehug and @luckyrisograph for more announcements throughout the week!
